
School Photos - Pet Food Drive
Robison students spread warmth and compassion with a pet food drive, gathering 1,302 pounds of nourishment and over 60 cozy blankets for furry friends in need. A special thank you to Southern Arizona Cat Rescue for brightening hearts by bringing playful kittens for our students to enjoy!
A little girl in glasses and a bun pets a small gray kitten
Two little boys pet a black and white kitten
Robison students pose with the bags of pet food they're donating
A little girl with blonde hair in a bun pets a gray kitten held by a rescue worker
A small black and white kitten eats cat food out of a bowl
Staff on wheelchair
Student on wheelchair
staff helping student on wheelchair
students on wheelchair
Man on wheelchair presenting in front of students
A PE teacher plays a STEM game with students using pool noodles and balls.
A boy with glasses plays with pool noodles and a ball in PE class.
A smiling teacher shows off a papier mache hot air balloon.
A girl with red hair plays with a ball and pool noodles in a PE STEM game.
A teacher shows three boys how to make something out of a cardboard roll.