About Our School

What Makes Us Special

Robison offers an inquiry based curriculum which develops knowledgeable and caring students who help create a more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

Robison uses an inquiry cycle in science and other areas to help students learn how to ask questions, problem-solve, and take action. Our students are taught to collect, synthesize, and analyze information and work cooperatively with others to be prepared for the changing world in the 21st Century.

Teacher Recognized by Chicanos Por La Causa
Ms. Gallego and staff from Chicanos Por La Causa pose with her $5,000 check awarded by CPLCCongratulations to longtime Robison Elementary teacher Margaret Gallego, who was presented with the Chicanos Por La Causa Esperanza Latino Teacher Award! She earned a $5,000 check, along with a $2,500 contribution for our school. Margaret has dedicated 47 years to teaching, 42 of them here at Robison!